Confessions: I Feel Unsexy During the Winter
I don’t like winter. I think I like the idea of winter (romantic cuddling in bed, curling up in blankets by the fire to read a book, and drinking hot chocolate while watching the snow fall)… but “real...
View ArticleComic: Different forms of Procrastination
Or maybe I just REALLY hate cleaning. It’s all just going to get dirty again soon, right? College was weird for me because a lot of my friends would pull all-nighters for class… but couldn’t...
View ArticleComic: Pretending to be Adults
Being and adult is hard. And I don’t mean “hard” in the sense of bills, work, social obligations, etc… I mean “hard” in the sense of it kind of feels like you’re just pretending. Like, I’m not...
View ArticleWeird Japanese Drinks: Shizuoka Green Tea Cola
Recently Ryosuke came home with a can of Shizuoka Green Tea Cola. He found it on a business trip up in Shizuoka. It looked like this: It’s a carbonated beverage that tasted suspiciously like a cross...
View ArticleThe Perks of Working with Japanese People, in Japanese Company, outside Japan...
Today’s guest post comes from Vinny. She works with a Japanese company in Indonesia. She writes: I’m an Indonesian girl, graduated from a University in Indonesia majoring Japanese Literature, and...
View ArticleComic: How do you write this Kanji?
Kanji is hard. Ryosuke learned several thousand Kanji in school… but these days he often has to check the stroke order on his phone. I only know about 300 kanji… and can only write 50 or so from...
View ArticleComic: Problems Sleeping on the Train
I never know what to do in these situations… like, is it weird to just wake up a stranger? This time I “accidentally” bumped his knee when I was walking off the train. He jumped up and ran off the...
View ArticleComic: Mixing the Coffee Beans
Reason #47 that I’m a horrible person. Hah. Ryosuke is one of those people who can taste the difference between regular and semi expensive coffee beans… and I’m totally not. ———————————- If you want...
View ArticleCrazy UPDATE (Finally!)
Hi all, For the last couple months, I’ve been hinting that things are going to change. I still can’t talk about EVERYTHING, but Ryosuke and I have decided that we can finally make a public...
View ArticleVideos from this Week (Week 10, 2015) on YouTube
As many of you know, I also have a YouTube channel called “Texan in Tokyo.” I started the channel last year in June and honestly wasn’t expecting it to be this fun. Because it is. Fun, I mean. The...
View ArticleComic: Don’t worry – I always scan them ahead of time
My favorite part of every day is showing Ryosuke the comics I drew all day – during dinner. We started this habit when he would come home late, late after work (around 9pm – 10pm every night), utterly...
View ArticleComic: What if you don’t get a gift on “White Day”
Ahhh…. I have such fond memories of Ryosuke and my early dating days. We were so in love – making all sorts of promises we couldn’t possibly keep. We kept the major ones, though, and I’m happy to say...
View Article9 Things Hated about living in Tokyo
I love Tokyo. Most of this blog is a diary to how much I loved living in this wonderful city. It was an adventure. But now I’m turning the page on that chapter of my life.
View ArticleComic: Please Don’t Break Up with Me
———————————- If you want to read more comics, check out my comic books (on Amazon): My Japanese Husband Thinks I’m Crazy: The Comic Book and My Japanese Husband (still) Thinks I’m Crazy
View ArticleVideos from this week (Week 11, 2015) on YouTube: Moving, Face masks, and...
As many of you know, I also have a YouTube channel called “Texan in Tokyo.” I started the channel last year in June and honestly wasn’t expecting it to be this fun. Because it is. Fun, I mean.
View ArticleComic: I don’t say “Thank You” enough…
I love our little space heater. We got it on sale for only like 1500yen ($15) back before winter starter. Honestly, I don’t know what I’m going to do next winter. Houses in Japan don’t have central...
View ArticleComic: “You’re such an American!”
Ryosuke’s only been two America twice. Once was when he was studying abroad (and we met). The other was for our wedding. Both times, he was really surprised by American fashion – especially “foot...
View ArticleI Love being a Creative… but I Hate being Vulnerable
Creating is an inherently vulnerable process. It’s impossible to create good things without pouring a little bit of yourself into each creation. Believe me, I’ve tried. It would be so much easier if I...
View ArticleComic: Japan – the land of “eternal youth”
A lot of white people have trouble guessing Asian people’s ages. And a lot of Asian people have trouble guessing white people’s ages. I’ve already started to get wrinkles around my eyes. It’s no...
View ArticleVideos from this week (Week 12, 2015) on YouTube: Convenience stores, Racism,...
As many of you know, I also have a YouTube channel called “Texan in Tokyo.” I started the channel last year in June and honestly wasn’t expecting it to be this fun. Because it is. Fun, I mean.
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