Our Marriage is as Old as a Tiny Human (Nine Month Annivesary)
Today is my 9 month wedding anniversary. I’ve been so busy with all the book stuff (ordering copies, reviewing, trying to make last minute changes, and sending frantic emails to all sorts of suppliers,...
View ArticleComic: The Earthquake Game
In case anyone is wondering, yes, this actually does happen. Ryosuke’s much better at this game than me (you know, on account of being raised in a country/area that actually has earthquakes). I like to...
View ArticleWhy don’t Japanese People wear Wedding Rings? Things I Don’t Understand about...
I’m married. I wear a large, plain gold wedding ring (family heirloom from my grandmother) and gold/diamond engagement ring on my left hand. My husband Ryosuke also wears a large, plain gold wedding...
View ArticleVideo: PDA in Japan VS America [Public Displays of Affection]
Ever wonder about the differences between PDA [Public Displays of Affection] in Japan and America? Time to find out! We tried to be serious in this video. We really did. The basic summary: We started...
View ArticleComic: Nightmare Spider Babies
So this happened. I didn’t really sleep that night. Every time the wind hit my foot, I jerked awake. Ugh. I saw a spider crawling on the desk near my sketchbook, so I squished it with a nearby magazine...
View ArticleComic: 10 Months Pregnant in Japan
Neither Ryosuke nor I remembered when his older sister got pregnant/when she was due, so we called up the parents to ask (she moved in with the parents back in early September, so they could take care...
View Article13 Tips for Studying Abroad at Akita International University [国際教養学/Kokusai...
This week's guest post comes from Rebecca Manuel who studied abroad at Akita International University for the year of 2012 - 2013. She wanted to write a "survival guide" for potential study abroad...
View ArticleComic: Adventures as a Haircut Model in Japan (+ Video!)
Btdubs, if anyone wants to watch me draw this comics (at 20X speed), here you go: That last "speed comic" vlog I did was surprisingly popular, so I wanted to do another one. In general, this is how...
View ArticleComic: You can Come Live with us!
I love my in-laws. My favorite part about them is the fact that they don't treat me like a foreigner. I'm just another part of the family. Neither of my husband's parents have left Japan or speak...
View ArticleThings I love about Japan: Yuba (Tofu) Flavored Ice Cream
One of my husband's "bucket list" foods is yuba, the protein-rich skin skimmed off cooling soymilk during the tofu-making process. Most people just call yuba "soymilk skin" (because apparently that...
View ArticleComic: The Easiest way to get rid of a Cold is to give it to Someone Else
I'm not even joking, this is a legit Japanese phrase. I hear it all the time in Tokyo, along with the equally funny "Idiots can't catch colds" (which is why Ryosuke's so healthy, according to him)....
View ArticleThings I Love about Japan: Japanese Bakeries (and Cake Shops)
In my experience, foreigners have one of two reactions (physically at least) to spending an extended period of time in Japan: gaining or losing a fair amount of weight. After all, the Japanese diet of...
View ArticleComic: My First Earthquake -VS- Now
How the times change, I guess. The post Comic: My First Earthquake -VS- Now appeared first on Texan in Tokyo.
View ArticleMy Books are FINALLY here + Kickstarter Update + Video!
I try to keep most of my posts "professional" and stand-alone, while dropping in little tidbits about my life. I couldn't find a way to make this one a relevant piece, so it's mostly just going to be...
View ArticleAre You Attractive in Japan?
This week's guest post comes from Gina, the blogger behind Gina Bear in Japan (which is an awesome blog, by the way, and you should totally check it out!). Gina writes: Everywhere in the world,...
View ArticleWeird Japanese Drinks: Euglena Farm Juice (飲むユーグレナ)
Yesterday, I drank Euglena. What is euglena, you might ask? That's a really good question. I had no idea what euglena is, but my husband and his other Japanese friend were very excited about the...
View ArticleComic: Coupons for date night/steak night
We don't go out to eat often. We both enjoy cooking and, mixed with the fact that I'm allergic to preservatives and milk (making eating out difficult), it's just easier to make our own food. Cheaper,...
View ArticleComic: Placenta Face Mask
The post Comic: Placenta Face Mask appeared first on Texan in Tokyo.
View ArticleHow My Fear Of Long Distance Almost Ruined Everything
This week's guest post is from my good friend Jasmine (who runs the awesome blog Japan-aholic). She talks about how her fear of a long distance relationship almost prevented her from making one of the...
View ArticleComic: Digging Sweet Potatos in Rural Japan
I dug sweet potatoes for the first time ever last weekend out in Ibaraki. "Japanese Dad" has two gardens (one in the vacant lot next to the family house and another much larger farm/garden about a...
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