Comic: Sexy face stubble
As you may remember from this comic, I love Ryosuke's beard. It's so sexy. Sadly, most Japanese companies do not allow any sort of facial hair (even well-maintained facial hair). I may have actually...
View ArticleComics: Long Distance Relationship Sing-Along
For those of you who don't know, Ryosuke and I were in a long distance relationship for about a year and a half (when I was in Tokyo and he was in Akita; when I was in Texas/Philly and he was in...
View ArticleVideo: Halloween in Japan VS America
This is one of the first years where I'm not doing an elaborate/creative/clever costume. I'm too broke and too busy. Sorry! The post Video: Halloween in Japan VS America appeared first on Texan in...
View ArticleComic: I’m ok working alone
I had a really hard time when we first moved to Tokyo. I was freelancing from home (I wasn't set out for the "salaryman" lifestyle in Tokyo) and spending hours on end without human contact. I'm not...
View ArticleComic: Balancing Books
Ryosuke's a jerk~ (and I kinda just wanted to see if I could actually balance books on my head for more than a minute. Simple curiosity~) The post Comic: Balancing Books appeared first on Texan in...
View ArticleManaging Relationships while you’re Abroad
This week's guest post comes from Monica over at The Beauty of Existence blog (which you should totally check out). She writes: While, yes, I am in an intercultural and long-distance relationship and...
View ArticleBlog Update: New Posting Schedule
Hi everyone! So I've been doing this blog for about a year and a half now - and my previous "posting schedule" (if you can call it that), was me posting 2-6 times a week, depending on how I was...
View Article8 Benefits of Living in the Japanese Countryside
Spoiler alert: I don't like living in Tokyo (a lot of the time). It's too crowded and too expensive. I'm not suited for this kind of "high paced" life. The post 8 Benefits of Living in the Japanese...
View ArticleComic: If you were normal, our life would be boring
I've said it before, but true happiness is finding a person (or a group of people) whose weird is compatible with YOUR weird. I've been pretty lucky as far as friends are concerned - in nearly every...
View ArticleCome Meet/Support me in Tokyo (on Nov 15th!)
Because I self-published (and was working another job at the time), I never got to go on a "book tour." Until now, that is. On November 15th, from 7:30 - 9: The post Come Meet/Support me in Tokyo (on...
View ArticleComic: Free Haircut! (As a hair cut model in Tokyo)
One of my many weird personal quirks is the fact I don't enjoy getting my hair cut. I don't like it when people I don't know touch my face/hair. And can see my pores/the fact I rarely wear makeup/my...
View ArticleWhy you should live abroad while you’re young
Ryosuke and I aren't addicted to travel, per say, but we do enjoy spending quality time outside of our home countries. I am also hosting a giveaway that ends at Friday (the 7th) at midnight (Texas...
View ArticleComic: Life is fragile…
The post Comic: Life is fragile… appeared first on Texan in Tokyo.
View ArticleComic: Great Minds Think Alike
In case anyone is wondering, yes, I am updating my hairstyle in these comics. From here on out - it's short hair for Grace :) The post Comic: Great Minds Think Alike appeared first on Texan in Tokyo.
View Article12 Tips for running a Successful “Personal” Blog (and how to increase...
Blogs are complicated. It's surprising how much work actually goes into writing, formatting, researching, and publishing posts. Because really, there is so much more than just "posts" on a blog. There...
View ArticleMy 500th Post! (and predictions for the next 500 posts)
I was going to post another comic this morning (per usual). But, when I was doing some last-minute editing, I noticed this: My next post, whatever it ended up being, was going to be my 500th post!...
View ArticleComic: Freckles (are… ugly?)
Apparently freckles are considered "ugly" in Japan. I was babysitting our niece and was showing her pictures of Disney princesses. My favorites are Belle and Ana (Frozen). She told me that Ana was...
View ArticleJapan Tag [Video]
I was tagged in the "Japan Tag" [still new to this whole Youtube thing - apparently tags are a "thing...?"] I answered 10 questions (well, I accidentally skipped #4...) about why I'm living in Japan...
View ArticleComic: Daylight Savings Time
There isn't any daylight savings time in Japan. Ryosuke's first year in America, we had a fun, round-about talk while I tried to explain the point of daylight savings time. Fun times. Daylight savings...
View ArticleComic: Are babies supposed to be covered in hair?
Perhaps I've just spent way too much time lurking on the internet, but I've known for a while that quite a few babies are born covered in hair. Kind of like a baby monkey (or some other animal born...
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