Lover’s Quarrel [Guest Post]
This week's guest post comes from Mei Mei. She writes: Lover’s Quarrel by Mei Mei Ri "One look from you, I know you understand This mess we're in, you know is just so out of hand..." (You got me,...
View ArticleComic: Sleeping Super-Power (Part 1)
Ryosuke is like a super-human sleeper. He can fall asleep in fifteen seconds flat. Anywhere. Train, park bench, under the kotasu, sitting by a rice field - I envy his ability to sleep. The post...
View ArticleComic: Sleeping Super-Power (Part 2)
In part 1 of this comic, I talked about how Rysouke can sleep. Anywhere. And pretty much the only thing that will wake him up is his own phone alarm. It's like Pavlov's experiment. The post Comic:...
View ArticleThat time my husband took me to Chippendales (male strip show) on our Honeymoon
I'm in Texas now visiting family and I don't have enough time to write up a new post. So here's one I wrote back in February (after we got back from our honeymoon) - and forgot to post. Enjoy!...
View ArticleComic: Some Japanese Words are REALLY Difficult
I know I made fun of Ryosuke's "Engrish" in this comic, but I have just as many problems (if not more) with Japanese. For the life of me, I can't pronounce the station name "Bubaigawara." Try it. It's...
View ArticleMy FREE Haircut (as a haircut model in Tokyo) [Video]
I was a haircut model in Tokyo! I also got all my hair chopped off. And learned how awkward it is to talk around and talk into a camera. This comic shows how Ryosuke reacted to my haircut (in case...
View ArticleComic: Having fun recording Youtube videos :)
As you can see from our Youtube channel, it's difficult to record videos together. Ryosuke is way too silly - and I can't stop laughing. ---------------- If you want to read more comics, check out my...
View ArticleComic: Women only need three things
Ryosuke is really great at giving compliments. He wasn't always that way. Something I learned pretty early on in Japan - women in Japan are usually either "cute" or "beautiful/sexy." You can't be...
View ArticleThings I Love About Japan: Surgical Masks
This week's guest post comes from Lisa, a personal friend and the mind behind ichigoichielove (which is great, by the way). She writes: There are many things I do in Japan that I wouldn’t do...
View ArticleComic: Changing Clothes (Part 1)
We have people stay at our house pretty much every weekend. A lot of our Japanese friends from college got placed outside of Tokyo, so every couple months, they visit - thirsty for a little bit of...
View ArticleComic: Changing Clothes (Part 2)
This is the second part of this comic. I used to be very concerned about how I looked. I guess I thought I was just one hair-color, one makeover, or one fancy dress away from being attractive. But...
View ArticleComic: Recording Youtube Videos in Osaka
I touched on this a bit (small bit) on this video - it is really, really awkward recording Youtube videos in public. I have no idea how most people vloggers do it. Like, seriously. Don't even get me...
View ArticleComic: I hate crowded trains in Tokyo
One of the best things about working from home is the fact that I rarely have to ride incredibly crowded trains. When I do, I feel like I can't breathe. There's too much sweat and carbon dioxide in...
View ArticleComic: Alternate Drawing Styles
Just for fun, I tried drawing comics with a calligraphy pen. It was awesome. I really liked how it turned out. I probably can't actually draw detailed stuff with this brush. The post Comic:...
View ArticleComic: There is no such thing as TOO much Takoyaki
I really love takoyaki. Like really, really love takoyaki. Travelling in Osaka was the best. I can't wait to go back : The post Comic: There is no such thing as TOO much Takoyaki appeared first on...
View ArticleComic: Pigeons are “rats with wings”
Ryosuke doesn't like pigeons. At all. Or, he likes the idea of them. And feeding them. The post Comic: Pigeons are “rats with wings” appeared first on Texan in Tokyo.
View ArticleComic: A “Convenient Haircut”…
Yay for more hair-cut related comics and jokes. Seriously. Boy is having a hard time adjusting to my new look. One of his friends from America (names have been changed, of course) told him that a...
View ArticleThe Reason We Didn’t Get a Prenup (before our wedding)
I’ve been married for a year now, which means I’ve already beaten the marriages of Kim Kardashian (the first one - thankfully I was out of the country for that whole coverage thing), Katy Perry and...
View ArticleComic: Please Stop…
This is why I can’t get any work done when Ryosuke’s home. He gets distracted super-easily. And loves bothering me while I’m writing/comic-ing. Mark my words – we’re going to start our own company...
View ArticleComic: Train Suicides in Tokyo
So this isn’t a funny comic (which is pretty obvious). But train suicides really are a problem in Tokyo. In my two years in Tokyo, I’ve been on trains that have been delayed/stopped because of a...
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