Comic: This is going to be a LONG summer…
Summer in Japan is brutal. It’s not the heat that will get to you, it’s the humidity. Also, the place we moved into in February only has one air conditioner in the ENTIRE house (and no, even if you...
View ArticleComic: I got a new computer
I hate getting new technology because it takes so long to set stuff up (and figure out how it works). So I put off buying a new computer for, like, two years. Even though my computer was constantly...
View ArticleTop Five Things I’ve Learned Trying To Be a Good Japanese Wife (Guest post)
Marriage is hard. Cross-culture marriages are no different (and often come with their own, unique pros and cons) – I’m thrilled to be able to publish this mini-series about what authors in...
View ArticleSix Lessons I Learned Trying to be a Good Chinese Wife (Guest Post)
Marriage is hard. Cross-culture marriages are no different (and often come with their own, unique pros and cons) – I’m thrilled to be able to publish this mini-series about what authors in...
View ArticleMeetup Announcements (August 29th, September 27th, November 28th)!!!
Ryosuke and I are holding our very first meetup EVER next week! It’s exciting and scary. We are going to hold it at a cafe, Caffe Veloce, in Ikebukuro. There are a couple locations, though, so make...
View ArticleRenting a Kimono in Kawagoe, the “Little Edo” of Japan (fun day trips near...
Ryosuke and I went on a fun day trip to the city of Kawagoe in Saitama, Japan and while we were there, I got the chance to try on a beautiful blue kimono from one of the many rental shops. Kawagoe is...
View ArticleVideos from June, 2015
Okay, so we’ve established that I’m bad at cross-posting my videos onto this blog. Sorry. It’s just… posting them every week STILL felt like I was drowning y’all out. And I know a lot of people aren’t...
View ArticleComic: You spelled their name wrong
This happens WAY more times than I am willing to admit. I truly am awful at spelling and never seem to catch mistakes – even when I’m giving it a final lookover before sending. It’s rather awkward....
View ArticleComic: What’s the BEST part about working from home??
All jokes aside, I love my job. I really do. I’ve been super sick for the last, what, six days now? Seven?
View ArticleComic: The UFO Catcher
[click here to finish reading this comic on LINE webtoons] I’m really hoping to get picked up by the LINE webtoons team and become a featured artist. If y’all read, comment, and favorite the comic on...
View ArticleComic: Are you stapling the curtains together?
So this happened. One of the walls in our work-room is a huge window. Ryosuke got tired of the “under-curtains” (those thin, white, lace curtains that lie under the heavier curtains) always blowing...
View ArticleFive Lessons I’ve Learned Trying To Be A Good Guatemalan Wife (Guest Post:...
Marriage is hard. Cross-culture marriages are no different (and often come with their own, unique pros and cons) – I’m thrilled to be able to publish this mini-series about what authors and bloggers...
View ArticleI lived in a capsule hotel in Tokyo for a week
I tried to live in a capsule hotel in Tokyo for a week. Tried is the important word here, because it turns out that most capsule hotels only allow female guests during certain days of the week (in...
View ArticleComic: I’m working out my MIND
Okay, so I’ve cut back on my workout routine. In my defense, the summer was awful, hot, and humid (so I would normally go running in the evening, unless I forgot). Which happened a lot. Ryosuke has...
View ArticleComic: A visit to the hospital
[click here to finish reading this comic on LINE webtoons] I’m really hoping to get picked up by the LINE webtoons team and become a featured artist. If y’all read, comment, and favorite the comic on...
View Article12 Fun Things to do in Atami, Japan
I went to Atami last week. Atami is a city in the Shizuoka prefecture, famous for their hot springs. It’s located a convenient 1 hour shinkansen (bullet train) ride from Tokyo, so it’s a perfect day...
View ArticleComic: You think we pay overtime? That’s cute~
Ryosuke and I have both had some… interesting experiences working for traditional Japanese companies. Of course, our experience isn’t universal – there are plenty of great companies that value their...
View ArticleMy YouTube Videos from July 2015
It’s time for another monthly lineup! I’m still rather far behind on cross-posting videos here on my blog. Recently I’ve started up a rather ambitious posting schedule for YouTube (a new video every...
View ArticleComic: I’m an adult!
It’s been one of those days. Or weeks. Or months (hey, it’s still early in September). There are some days when I am on top of the world, finishing up my work at a reasonable hour, spending time with...
View ArticleWhy “Amazing Race” Travel Itineraries Are Not My Thing
This week’s guest post comes from the blogger Pam from Organized! by Pam, where she shares why she prefers taking it easy when she travels. She writes: I just booked my eight-day trip to Japan this...
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