Comic: This is what 526 days of a Long Distance Relationship looks like
Ryosuke and I have been together for 3 years now. 526 of those days have been long distance. In less than 40 hours, he lands in Philadelphia airport, we get married, and we move to Japan. I’m in the...
View ArticleTwas the night before my Long Distance Relationship Ended
Twas the night before Ryosuke arrived And all through the dorm I’m running around Telling anyone who can be found – We fell in love in America Got engaged in Japan Spent Christmas in Taiwan And will...
View ArticleAMWF (Asian Male, White Female) Couples: An Unfinished Wikipedia Article
What does AMWF stand for? AMWF, an acronym that stands for “Asian Male, White Female,” is a community of white women who are in a relationship (or hope to be) with an Asian man and Asian men who are in...
View ArticleCollege Fashion: How to wear Leggings as Pants (without looking trashy) – Part 2
Wearing leggings as pants is a fashion statement I refused to buy into… until now. And even though I’ve finally decided to give it a go, I’ve been careful to not cross the line. If you want to wear...
View ArticleComic: Those are weird vacation pictures…
Ryosuke’s been in Thailand with his friends for the last week. I asked for pictures, and no joke, he sends me these joke pictures every day. No temples, no statues, no scenery – just him being a fool...
View Article7 Reasons Why I don’t wear Makeup every day:
1. I don’t need it I really don’t need to wear makeup every day. In fact, no one actually needs to wear makeup every day. We just think we do (or something like that). And social pressures to conform...
View ArticleComics: Problems of Fashion Blogging
Back when I first started fashion blogging, Ryosuke (or my old roommate) used to take pictures for me. It was lot of fun. We made a great sport out of it. But after a while, it got awkward. It was...
View Article9 Reasons Writing a Graduation Thesis Sucks More Than You Think It Does
I’m really excited to be writing this paper 1. You can NEVER do enough research No matter how obscure your topic is, there are countless articles, books, and narratives on the matter. I am a firm...
View ArticleCollege Fashion: How to wear a Brown Turtleneck Sweater (part 2)
Autumn is the season of turtleneck shirts. Growing up, I hated turtlenecks because they made my round face look, well, even rounded. Recently I got a pair of turtlenecks from a friend and have been...
View ArticleWhat God says about being (too) Busy
[I don't write very many/any "Christian" posts because to me, religion is very personal. We live in a world of perpetual busy-ness. We’re busy in high school applying to college. We’re busy freshman...
View ArticleComic: My boyfriend hates chic-flick movies
This is probably the main reason I’m not allowed to pick the movies for date-nights. All of my favorite movies are totally and completely predictable. Sorry. [Add me on Google Plus: +Grace Buchele]
View ArticleTop 4 Colorful (and exotic) buildings in Tokyo, Japan
I love Japan. It’s pretty easy to love Japan – between the low crime rates, organic food options, and healthy standard of living, Japan is full of things to love. 1. The Reversible Destiny Lofts House...
View ArticleMy Japanese Fiance’s first Black Friday in Texas
Today marked Ryosuke’s first Black Friday. But before you start thinking he’s some backward folk, it was also MY first Black Friday trip (and he’s from Japan, so at least he has an excuse. I’m just...
View ArticleThai Coconut Soup (Tom Kha Gai): Simple and delicious Thai Recipes
My father is the greatest cook I’ve ever met. Although I have several favorites, one of his best dishes happens to be one of his most simple dishes: the Thai Coconut Soup. This soup is sweet, sour,...
View ArticleCollege Fashion: How to wear a Black Pencil Skirt (College Fashion)
Back when I first started “job hunting” during Freshman year of college, I bought this pencil skirt from Target. It’s one of my favorite fashion staples that transitions from summer to Autumn with...
View ArticleRyosuke and I are getting “Married” in two days!
I’m getting married in two days! … just not “officially.” Legally, I will be wed on Thursday, January 2nd, 2014. In Texas. So why am I having a ceremony in two days at Ursinus College (in...
View ArticleComic: Why is TLC called The Learning Channel?
Seriously, why IS that TLC channel called The Learning Channel. All I’ve learned from “Extreme Cougar Wives,” “Say Yes to the Dress,” “My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding,” and “Toddlers and Tiaras” is...
View ArticleComic: I dream of Weddings
I had the first of my three ceremonies yesterday at the chapel across the street from Ursinus College. The ceremony was absolutely gorgeous and I will be posting photos as soon as I get the copies...
View ArticleGetting into the Christmas Spirit in Japan/America
Today while chatting with my fiance, Ryosuke, I realized this will be my last Christmas in America… for at least five years. The realization itself was a bit odd, since usually I have no foresight into...
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